14 min read


Calenday is an app that optimizes the scheduling process for personal trainers. With this app, trainers can save time scheduling sessions for clients who want personal training.


I regularly train with personal trainers. One day, I noticed that some of them were really unsatisfied with how customers were constantly postponing their meetings. After talking to one of them, I realized that this was a big problem for trainers because it made them waste a lot of time trying to plan their schedules. So, I decided to look into it more. After a while, I convinced Antoine, an investor and developer, to join me in this project.


Organizational challenge

I was in charge of the whole project. I had to understand everything from research to sales, and assemble a team of experts from various areas to support me in this endeavour.

Project challenge

Trainers usually spend about two hours per week organizing their calendars. Even though I didn't have the perfect solution in mind, I was excited to take on this challenge and find possible ways to solve it. The goal is to decrease the amount of time trainers spend on scheduling trainings and minimize gaps in their calendars.

✅ Perfect calendar before the week.

✅ Perfect calendar before the week.

😣 During the week, customers frequently ask to change the schedule, which results in breaks between meetings.

😣 During the week, customers frequently ask to change the schedule, which results in breaks between meetings.

Project execution process

Finding the real problem

At the beginning, I briefly explored the problem to gain more understanding. I also wanted to determine if this issue was specific to trainers I know or if it was a more widespread problem. My aim was to determine if the problem I observed was real or not.

In-depth interviews

I made a list of local trainers and met with them to ask questions. Each time I interviewed someone, I learned more about their problems and viewpoints. After doing several interviews, I started to see similarities. I went through two rounds of iteration here. During this process, I was able to identify a specific problem. To confirm my findings, I asked participants at the end of second iteration if they would be interested in using a solution if it was available. Most of them said they would be willing to use it.

I conducted 16 interviews to learn about trainers' problems and desires

I conducted 16 interviews to learn about trainers' problems and desires

User flow

I wanted to understand the whole process of scheduling training. User flow was really efficient here. The training schedule starts when the trainee takes the first step. Once the trainee agrees to cooperate, the trainer becomes responsible for scheduling the training. The trainer will then manage and organize the trainee's schedule.

User flow of organizing trainings by trainers

User flow of organizing trainings by trainers